Paul S

Paul S

As a student with life, business, and professional experience, I was fortunate to find the Morris Journalism Academy via an Internet search because it was just what I was looking for. That is, a self paced, online, freelance journalism course rich in content and practical advice from the experts – those who had “been there and done that”.

My English and writing skills were good but I did not know how to write professionally. With hard work and dedication, including many early mornings and late nights, plus a raft of purchased magazines and newspapers, the course changed all that. I will never look at a piece of writing the same again and now see stories, pitches, angles, and opportunities everywhere.

Most beneficial of all were the sections on how to write a good clear and concise pitch and the background on how editors think – how to get them to buy. I took all this advice very seriously and put it into practice. It worked!

I have been able to sell multiple articles, on multiple topics, immediately, to multiple publications in Australia, New Zealand and the US, including regular well paid articles in the prestigious and influential Acuity Magazine (Australia and New Zealand Chartered Accountants). I also received commissions to write other articles e.g., on life and culture for the New Zealand Herald and a paper in New Jersey, and aviation for Australian Flying.


Skills to enhance.

More recently I have landed well paid corporate writing work from a number of Australian and New Zealand companies across a wide range of sectors. There seems to be unlimited paid work out there, just as the course said.

My ‘day job’ is as the joint founding principal of a high end business consultancy in Melbourne. We specialise in customer intent, digitisation and commercialisation. Much of our success is down to being able to communicate well, be it client proposals, board papers, published articles, writing copy or articles for clients, reports with recommendations, or our own correspondence or documentation.

My friends and colleagues comment what a wonderful addition journalism has been to my other qualifications.


An investment for the future.

I now have: a new enhanced skill immediately and directly relevant to my work; an extra source of income, and a recognised qualification that I can use to earn money while working for myself, be it as a supplement to my regular income, on holiday in Europe, or maybe even where I retire from the business world.

I warmly recommend this very enjoyable and rewarding course and the team at the Morris Journalism Academy to prospective students.

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